THANOS magazine

Greece | July 8, 2024

Generational change
is delicate balancing act

By Loukas Grammenos, CEO Grammenos International Repatriation Services, Greece

In the funeral sector, where tradition and innovation are often seen to be competing forces, generational change can be significant. Younger generations bring fresh perspectives to the table, evolving practices to meet the needs and expectations of a clientele vastly different from those familiar to previous generations. 

Established in Corfu Island, Greece, by Constantine Grammenos, Grammenos International has long been synonymous with dignified and compassionate funeral services. For decades, the company has served as a pillar of support for grieving local families, upholding age-old customs and religious practices with reverence and respect. However, the dawn of the 21st century brought with it a wave of change, prompting the need for modernisation within the funeral industry as a whole.

Want to read more?
Read the article in the summer issue of THANOS magazine - you can read online at page 20


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