Associate Member

Quietus Bee, LLC DBA Pollen

Just as pollen is the main source of nutrition for honey bees and essential for the development of the brood and young bees, providing appropriate tools for dealing with grief is essential to a child’s future development and emotional well-being.

The death of a loved one or pet can be especially distressing for a child, as both their lack of experience and their emotional immaturity can contribute to feelings of anxiety and a loss of control. The overwhelming emotions associated with grief can lead to long-term maladaptive behavior if not dealt with appropriately early on.

Through Pollen, thanatologist and grief expert, Michaelene Dowers, provides the tools caregivers need to help children work through their trauma. Michaelene offers curated collections of childhood bereavement literature that is developmentally appropriate and specific to the situation at hand. This literature is designed to provide comfort, help children find ways to express their feelings, encourage the sharing of stories and memories, and help children develop an understanding of death and, as appropriate, the concept of an afterlife or of the loved one living on through family memories and rituals.

Pollen’s goal is to provide caregivers with the tools needed to teach healthy coping skills and to develop children’s confidence in overcoming adversity.

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