Associate Member

SERENITE Funeral Services

Death comes unexpectedly and surprises us economically if we do not have the coverage of an Integral Funeral Protection Service.
Having an Integral Funeral Protection Service will save you time in carrying out legal processes, money to cover the event and effort in such a delicate and painful moment.

At Sérénité we are prepared to:

_ Provide a professional, respectful, economical quality service at a fair cost.
_ Give support to families in such a painful moment
_ Give dignified treatment to the deceased and the family
_ Give thanatological help

_ Legal advice.
_ Legal management of the funeral.
_ Basic embalming.
_ Aesthetic arrangement of the body.
_ Velation's equipment at home for 24 hours.
_ Velation in chapel.
_ Basic and personalized caskets.
_ Different models of Urns.
_ Cremation service.
_ Coffee service.
_ Florist service.
And others.

Global members

FIAT-IFTA is the only internationally governed funeral Federation with National, Active And Associate Members in more than 80 countries.

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