Associate Member

Krematoriju Apvienība

The REPATRIATION brand appeared on the international funeral market in 2013. We specialize in the international transportation of the deceased, also provide burial and cremation service. For nine years we have gained experience, knowledge and extensive contacts. The funeral services provided by our company are distinguished by their professionalism. We take care of every detail during preparation so that the final journey is unique. 

Much of customers have trusted us, including state institutions and diplomatic missions. We are pleased with the words of recognition that we have received. A sound knowledge of international law, customs and rites in particular countries or religions is experience gained not only thanks to tens of thousands of funeral services. We care about the continuous improvement of our staff. We regularly participate in training sessions and conferences organized by global and national funeral associations. 

We have our own funeral home, mortuary cabinets, an autopsy room, a chapel, a wide range of coffins, urns and other funeral accessories. A large fleet of hearse vehicles enables us to provide a quick service from any part of the world.

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FIAT-IFTA is the only internationally governed funeral Federation with National, Active And Associate Members in more than 80 countries.

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