Associate Member

Xiao En Memorial Park Bhd.

XIAO EN CENTRE The design concept of Xiao En Centre, is emulating the heritage of the traditional Chinese Hall, is an integrated multi-functional space that provides memorial service and funeral activities and supports social cultural activities. Either festive ritual or social activities, Xiao En Centre embodies all the traditional practices of promoting and inheriting the ethnic cohesion of “social function” and “cultural significance.” Xiao En Centre is officially opened on 1st June 2007. Located in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, it covers the space of 13,900 square meters. A multi-functional space consists of exhibition center, seminar hall, life care resource center, theater, auditorium, and funeral facilities. With the emphasis on space with good use of natural light, it elevates the tranquility and simplicity of Xiao En Centre, displaying modern architecture and three-dimensional characteristics.

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